Friday, July 23, 2010


One for the virtual club...
How much of your character is shaped by the time/place you live in?

Just wondering what your thoughts might be.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When it is impossible

Yea, WK, it does seem impossible to stand up for what you believe in. I often remember the girl who was asked if she believed in God before she was shot at Columbine for answering "yes."

Could you find the courage to write the story? Could you find the courage to tell it to someone who is supposed to hate you because of the color of your skin? Who has more to risk? More to lose?

Perhaps we can all use a boost of courage every now and then. And some Crisco.

Monday, July 12, 2010

"You have to be taught to hate"

Such a string of quotes that show the ultimate brainwashing of children... and Aibileen's struggle against it. This must be why she leaves the kids by age 9 every time. Makes me think about how I am raising my kids and opportunities to teach them.

"I want to yell so loud that Baby Girl can hear me that dirty ain't a color, disease ain't the Negro side a town" (96).
"...what I really want to do is put my hands up over her ears so she can't hear this talk. And worse, hear me agreeing" (185).

And worse, hear the agreement. This also makes me think about teaching the strength to stand up for what is right. I know that I haven't always spoken out against racist, etc. statements when I have heard them. My silence could be just as deafening as Aibileen's agreement... hmmm...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I love this book!

What happened to Constantine??? (J/K don't tell me if you already read it!!!). Good questions are keeping me in it!
What did Minny do to Miss Hilly??

The history buff in me is pleased to incorporate the Medgar Evers life within the story... (geek).

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

end of chapters, sections...

OK, this might seem odd, but I want to compile all of the final statements at the end of the chapters or the end of the sections within the chapters because they are always moving and poignant. I continually find myself re-reading these statements -- sometimes sections -- over and over.
Pay attention to these!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Anyone else flying through the book?

I am completely engrossed in these characters' lives. Abileen has especially grabbed me -- I cried with her on her anniversary date -- didn't want to open myself up to that level with this book, but I am HOOKED! I am ahead of the schedule, but look forward to anyone's comments throughout the chapters.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chapter 3: Crisco

i am slightly obsessed with using household products for other than intended uses....mainly vinegar (don't get me started on the awesome benefits of using it over chemicals to clean stuff around the house) so the part in chapter 3 when minny shares the various and somewhat amusing uses of crisco got me in stitches! i am so going to try out a few of those and see if they actually to grease my door or to fix butt rash, heck with frying the chicken in it :) i am enjoying the brazen miss minny!

chapter 4

brand new reading glasses.... i am getting old, but I have readthe first 4 chapters so far - looks like a good read!!!

Great quote from Chapter 2

"All I know is, I aint saying it. And I know she ain't saying what she want a say either and it's a strange thing happening here cause nobody saying nothing and we still managing to have us a conversation."

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ready to READ!

All signed up and ready to read... Never been in a book club before. Should be fun.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Off and Reading

well i for one have never been in a book virtual or not, this is all new to me and i am thrilled to be off and reading!

the book had a crazy long wait list at the library so i sucked it up and make the purchase today. chapter 1 was great and i am into chapter 2 already. i hope to post something wise and witty soon! :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hi everyone! I'm excited for this virtual summer reading club. Did anyone decide whether this is open to friends of people invited or are we trying to keep this small? Please let me know because I'm not sure of virtual reading club rules. *grins*

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Remember the time that crazy lady said she was "fixin' to be done?" Or perhaps, she'd be "righ bay-ack?" Y'all just may need a translator...or a nice, tall glass of Sweet Tea or Mint Juleps...either way, the book is awesome.

Give Miss Aibileen and Miss Minny a chance to grow on you. They may "done tawk funny" but they sure are a hoot. Love, love, love these ladies.

Can't wait to see what you all think about the book.
Thanks Miss WK!

The Help schedule: July!

Here are some options for you to jump into our novel discussion:

The following is a reading schedule (ie: try not to give out any spoilers before the given date!)

Read chapters 1-11 by July 10, Sat.
Read chapters 12-23 by July 21, Wed.
Read chapters 24-end by July 31, Sat.

You can comment along the way with anything that strikes you -- a poignant quote, characterization that you like, or just any commentary that you think of!

This is my first 'virtual book club', so let's see how it goes!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Help

Hello! Welcome to the book club blog! Stay tuned for an invite to become an author on the site. Please comment to this post if you are not invited and would like to be!